音時雨 ~Regentropfen~


Daylight Saving Time

Many people are complaining that they lose an hour since spring, and later feel happy to gain an extra hour in the winter. But why they didn't just realise that the universe moves on its own pace, and at such a moment Einstein doesn't really matter.
Although it may be of some influence to those who are ultra time sensitive, it's never an issue to me as my own clock is always "soft" like a piece of melting cheese you'd see often in Dali's paints. Actually, I didn't even notice the change as I've stopped using an analogue watch years ago. (it doesn't mean I'm not strict on a confirmed time schedule.)

lt15a magic! Kira!!

Yesterday morning I saw her sleeping on the coach as usual, but still I couldn't stop myself to not to take a shot. Thinking she might change her pose or move after I get my camera, I decided to first take one on my phone.
And then it was the time for some flash magic. Not only she got two differently coloured eyes, one eye was sparkling like a sapphire!

which made me excited for a whole day~ (*´∀`*)
Then I quickly grabbed my camera, and took more in higher resolution. I'm happy with Google's free less-than-18(?)-MP unlimited storage. I noticed Google got this new rule in late Feb., which is much more useful than previous 2048px-limitation. I wish I still have the original photos before being resized, but maybe I don't really care as I'm no pro.

Moe is justice

I don't want to confess but I have to, that I was totally deep in KanColle Kai over the past weeks. Of course I never know much about how to gear up my fleet, and thus I'm planning to wait with super patience until veterans post detailed guides on how to deal with the top 2 difficulties. Just like I said last time, I mainly played it because the characters look so nice. Not definitely, but fairly close to the state being moe-d.
In terms of game play, I do believe I'm better with survival horror as I don't have to pay too much attention on the gears. Besides, horror can be moe as well, e.g. ZERO Series.
But in last day, the REAL MOE came.

Seen its posters since last November, and the first impression was was naturally "it's so moe!". I hesitated whether I should go playing it, as apparently it's not my favourite genre. Fortunately there are 2 Anime seasons. Finally, after almost half year of no-anime, time to bring some sweet stuff to balance my days blended with BIOHAZARD Revelations, Silent Hill 2, LIMBO and PSYCHO BREAK~!
Next step, I shall hold myself back from my fleet and spend more time with my girls. >> chromatique magicians
I'm so happy that Akiko's caTra got postponed so I was able to focus on my fleet "in time".